Friday, September 9, 2016

Math Games

We have been learning several different games to practice our math facts. I think the favorite was Domino Flower because the kids could write on their tables!! Domino Flower
Add both sides of the domino and add a circle to the table with the sum in the middle. As you find more dominoes add them to the circles with the matching sum or start another "flower".
Dice War
We have a bucket full of different dice ranging from 1-90 on each side. The partners take turns rolling two, adding the sums, writing the equations, and determining who has the larger sum. 
Take 10
Flip over 12 cards numbered 0-10. Player one uses the cards to make 10. This can be done with as many cards as the player wants to use (3&7 or 1,2,4,&3). Once there are no more possible combinations left, refill the cards from the deck so there are 12 again and player 2 takes a turn. At the end count to see who has the most cards. 
The kids will play math games while I meet with small groups each day to strengthen our math skills!

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